Report Your Child Absent, Tardy or Early Dismissal

attendance calendar and clock

You can report your child's absence, tardy, or early dismissal from school the following ways:

Email:   (This email goes directly to the main office. *You may report an absence, report your child tardy, or request a specific time for an early dismissal).

Please attach any doctor's notes or documentation to this email for the tardy/absence to be exempted. 

Call: (413)584-1106 or (413) 584-1107 (You may simply leave a message indicating your child's attendance change for the day).

*We request that either be done prior to the 7:30am school start time, or as soon as you are aware of the need. This is the MOST EFFICIENT way to dismiss your child for their appointments.  We will provide your child with a pass to leave class, sign out, and leave the building at your requested time!